[WEB4LIB] RE: Library web presence

David Jones DJones at scu.edu
Fri May 6 19:53:39 EDT 2005

>>> Thomas Krichel <krichel at openlib.org> 5/6/2005 3:18:27 PM >>>
  I have not checked the other pages, but I note that the home page has
  copious validation problems

Don't even get me started on the fact that none of the Main Menu links work without Javascript turned on... Did someone say 508?

That said, I do find the design to be pleasant and inviting (though I wouldn't use the whole top bar for news items...)


David Jones                                     mailto:djones at scu.edu
Library Systems Manager                   http://www.scu.edu/library/
Orradre Library                                   fax:   408-551-1805
Santa Clara University                            phone: 408-551-7167
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara CA 95053-0500
"mir war / als haettest du / einen blick auf mich geworfen /
ich mich geduckt / sag mir was das war"
--Wueste by Blixa Bargeld, http://www.neubauten.org/tabula/wueste.php

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