[WEB4LIB] Re: In defense of stupid users

Elizabeth mckenty library.lisle at gmail.com
Thu May 5 15:00:33 EDT 2005

I know the Miller Library Journal article was discussed a bit on various 
biblioblogs, to use Karen Schneider's term. I know I did an entry on it. I 
only found a few of hits via feedster, technorati and icerocket. I seem to 
remember discussion on "Information Wants to Be Free" 
http://meredith.wolfwater.com/wordpress/index.php by Meredith Farkas. She 
has done a number of excellent posts on search.

I think the idea that librarians like searching and users like finding has 
merit--thank you, Roy.

I know that there are a lot of librarians who do not respect their library's 
users. That's a problem. Maybe some of this does boil down to the 
profession's low self image/esteem. But I don't think we should allow that 
as an excuse. Lots of our interfaces (including the flesh and blood ones) do 
suck. If we can admit that sometimes it's the not the user that is stupid, 
we can start working to fix things. 

Lisle McKenty aka lislemck aka Elizabeth McKenty

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