[WEB4LIB] Re: In defense of stupid users

Carver, Blake Blake.Carver at nypa.gov
Thu May 5 13:17:55 EDT 2005

Only librarians enjoy searching, everyone else enjoys finding.- Roy
Tennant, Access 2004.

Blake Carver
Technical Librarian
New York Power Authority
Niagara Project 

>>-----Original Message-----
>>Subject: [WEB4LIB] Re: In defense of stupid users
>>Somewhere I read/heard a comment that I have tried to keep in mind. 
>>Only librarians enjoy looking for information.  Everyone else 
>>just wants to be able to use the information and would really 
>>prefer that it was just handed to them.
>>I can't tell you the source or even the exact quote but it is 
>>something we need to remember.
>>hesterm at bartonccc.edu

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