low vision patrons

Robin Boulton rboulton at linc.lib.il.us
Mon Mar 14 12:12:18 EST 2005

Posted on behalf of my Outreach Services librarian:


How are you providing Web access to your low vision patrons?

We have been struggling to find the best assistive software and/or device to
help those with low vision to view Web pages. We have tried Magic, in
several incarnations, and find it frustrating in the extreme. This may be
due to the fact that we have it running in a library environment with other
software. But in any case, it just does not work for us.

We have also considered placing a laptop on a CCTV platform. This invites
all types of abuse by normal vision patrons, however.

If you are successfully addressing the low vision computer access to Web
pages issue, would you please share what you are doing, and how it works? We
would be so grateful for any help.





Robin Boulton 

rboulton at linc.lib.il.us

IT Manager 

(630) 584 0076 x 258

St. Charles Public Library District

 Cell:  (630) 918 8738

St. Charles, IL 60174 



 <http://www.stcharles.library> http://www.stcharleslibrary.org/


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