[Web4lib] htaccess to block multiple IP addresses

VanderHart, Robert Robert.VanderHart at umassmed.edu
Thu Jun 23 09:18:24 EDT 2005

I'm trying to block bots that don't obey the robots.txt directives.
We're using Linux/Apache 1.3.  I was wondering if the following syntax
is correct in an .htaccess file in our root directory:

<Limit GET POST>
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  deny from

<Limit GET POST>
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  deny from

1) Is this the only way to block several IP addresses from different

2) Is there a more efficient way to block nasty robots?

Robert Vander Hart
Electronic Resources Librarian
Lamar Soutter Library
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester  MA  01655

Voice: 508-856-3290
Email: Robert.VanderHart at umassmed.edu
Web: http://library.umassmed.edu 

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