No subject

Sandra Rotenberg Sandra.Rotenberg at
Wed Jan 26 12:23:32 EST 2005

One of the features I found interesting was the sort by oldest newest on the
advanced search page. I don't think any other search engines offer ways to
re-sort their results, probably because that is the point of having a good
ranking algorithm.  And, I am not sure what use it will be in actually
searching for something but I can already think of a good way to use it in
my classes.  It will be a great way to show what search would be like
without relevance ranking.  It came up with a site offering information on
soul retrieval way before it got to anything offering information on
information retrieval.  
Sandra Rotenberg


From: web4lib at on behalf of Patricia F Anderson
Sent: Wed 1/26/2005 7:37 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Re: New search engine

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005, Roy Tennant wrote:

> Have people seen <>? What do you think of it? I
> like the thumbnail screenshots, but that isn't the only feature it has.
> Roy

Roy, what other features were you thinking of? I didn't see anything in
advanced search that Google or Yahoo don't do. Yes, the thumbnails are
nice, and being able to switch between page-image display and text display
is nice if you are a visual person, but what else?

I found the relevancy ranking is wildly different than Google, so it might
be good to just see different results, although (frankly) I liked Google's
ranking better. I like Yahoo's ranking even better than Google's, but
dislike their interface.

Right now, my favorite search toy is, although it isn't really new.
I like A9 best when I am in a hurry and unfamiliar with the topic I am
searching -- it gives a real quick jumpstart contextual search, especially
if I use the combination display with web / images / books / reference.

Patricia Anderson, pfa at

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