Systems Librarian - Long Island, New York

Margaret Henderson MargaretHenderson at
Mon Jan 10 11:53:02 EST 2005

The following is a new position at the Library and Archives of Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory.

CSHL is a research and educational institution. The Laboratory has research
programs focusing on cancer, neurobiology, plant genetics, genomics and
bioinformatics, and a broad educational mission, including the recently
established Watson School of Biological Sciences.

The Library Systems Administrator will provide leadership in the creation,
implementation and assessment of digital library/ archives projects and
programs, and assist with the development and maintenance of the
library/archives website.

The ideal candidate will coordinate electronic services, teach and provide
user support to the laboratory’s scientists and staff with PC software,
Internet use and library databases.

Work experience in an academic or research library, in digital imaging,
electronic collection building and management, highly desired.

Job Description:
1. Maintain all library computers, both hardware and software
2. Maintain the Unix server;
3. Maintain and update Library and Archives web sites
4. Supervise Library and Archives digitization projects
5. Provide assistance to students, scientific staff, and visitors.
6. Teach online database searching (OVID, PubMed, PsycInfo, Web of Science,
etc.) and use of EndNote bibliographic software.
7. The position reports for the Director of Libraries and Archives.

Starting at $50,000.

ALA accredited MLS/MLIS; information technology experience in a library or
archives environment; computer hardware and software maintenance experience;
proficiency with Windows, Mac and Unix; experience with Dreamweaver, Flash,
STML, HTML, SQL, Java script, Photoshop, and database programs preferred.
Knowledge of EndNote, the bibliographic software is important. Reference and
teaching experience in a science library is an asset. Ability to configure
network servers and routers, and to implement and manage network security.
Ability to establish goals and priorities and to work with other departments
in meeting mutual goals; strong problem solving skills; ability to
collaborate well with others on project teams. Excellent oral and written
communications skills.

Apply through the CSHL Human Resources web site:

I am posting this for the Library & Archives Director so I will not be a
part of the hiring process, but I have worked there and some of the duties
are my old part-time position so I can answer questions off list.

Margaret Henderson

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