WikiBibliography Now Available

Gerry Mckiernan gerrymck at
Sat Jan 1 18:49:05 EST 2005

WikiBibliography Now Available


I am pleased to announce the inauguration of a new Web bibliography titled _WikiBibliography_ . _WikiBibliography_ is devoted to significant articles, presentations, reports, as well as audio and video programs, Web sites, and other key "publications" about Wikis in general and their select applications and uses.

As defined by the Wikipedia, a 'wiki' is "a website (or other hypertext document collection) that allows a user to add content, * but also allows that content to be edited by anyone.

The term Wiki can also refer to the collaborative software used to create such a site *  Wiki (with a capital 'W') and WikiWikiWeb are sometimes used to refer specifically to the Portland Pattern Repository, the first-ever wiki. Proponents of this usage suggest using a lower-case 'w' for wikis in general. Wiki wiki comes from the Hawaiian term for 'quick' or 'super-fast'" [ ].

_WiKiBibliography_ is located at:

[ ]

As of this evening, it contains 30 major entries, most linked to their respective full text documents.  At this time, I would most appreciate learning of Any and All Other ***significant*** publications for potential inclusion in this compilation. While I am particularly interested in applications and uses of Wikis in corporations, colleges and universities, and libraries, substantial works about Wikis in general as well as applications in other organizations, are also of interest.

BTW: I have identified secondary works from database searches that I will review in the coming weeks and add to _WikiBibliography_, if of value.

BTW2: WikiBibliography will complement a planned registry titled _SandBox(sm)_ that will be established at  

[  ].

[In the near future, I plan to post a call for significant corporate, educational, and/or library Wikis  for potential inclusion in _SandBox(sm)_ .  However, those Innovators and Early Adopters Amongst Us [:-)] who  would like to nominate resources for _SandBox(sm)_  at this time are welcome to do so in response to this posting]. 

TIA!!! (Again)

Happy New Year!



Gerry McKiernan
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011

gerrymck at 

P.S. For those over 50 (such as myself) who enjoyed early TV serials, please click on the SandBox WikiBiliography image for several HighFlyingAdventures [:-)

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