proxy logons and "remember my password" in IE

Watson, Michael MWatso at
Thu Feb 24 12:29:18 EST 2005


I've run into a problem, and am hoping that someone has already come up with
a solution they'd be willing to share.

Our campus IT people are soon going to require all Internet access, even
from on-campus, to go validate through a proxy server. 

My concern is that the authentication logon requester in Internet Explorer 6
includes a "remember my password" checkbox. In our computer labs, I would
like to be able to remove "remember my password", in order to prevent
someone from absent-mindedly checking it, and perhaps permitting the next
person who stepped up to the user to logon with their saved credentials by
simply clicking "OK".

I've hunted around for a way to do this, and so far have come up empty. The
various options under "Internet Options->Content->AutoComplete" appear to
apply only to the forms that are embedded in web pages, not the popup
authentication requester for proxy_auth. IE 5 had a registry setting for
"NoSubscriptionPasswords" that might have worked, but I can't find any
documentation that it is supported in IE 6. For what it's worth, I'm pretty
sure that the "remember my password" prompt is coming from IE, not from

Is anyone aware of a method to remove "Remember my password" from IE 6
proxy_auth login prompts?


Mike Watson
LSU Health Sciences Center - Shreveport
mwatso at

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