[WEB4LIB] Re: Firefox problem

tdowling at ohiolink.edu tdowling at ohiolink.edu
Wed Feb 23 10:46:12 EST 2005

Leo Robert Klein wrote:
> On Tue, February 22, 2005 7:22 pm, Poulter, Dale said:
>>We have been using FireFox for a while but have encountered a
>>problem that I am unable find a solution to.  We have a few pages
>>with internal links.  These work great with IE but fail with
>>FireFox 1.0.  Any suggestions?
>><a href="#link">
>><a name="link">
> Probably a stupid question but are you closing your anchor tags?
> I.E.:
>        <a href="#link">Click Here!</a>
>        <a name="link"></a>You have won...

I agree that an unclosed anchor tag is the most likely suspect.  Let me
recommend id attributes as a syntax that makes more sense structurally
and is less likely to get mangled:

  <a href="#note3">See note 3</a>...

  <p id="note3">Yadda yadda</p>

Thomas Dowling
tdowling at ohiolink.edu

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