library marketing (long, but with an on-topic point)

Broun, Kevin (NIH/NCI) brounk at
Tue Feb 15 12:02:26 EST 2005

I find many of Brian's points compelling, but this one:

>How often does Google ask you how they're doing? They don't.

seems way off the mark.

Do we think they just stumbled into their success simply through dumb luck
or divine geeky inspiration?  I seriously doubt it.  Google has a
substantial user experience operation focused on those questions of how
users are doing with their products, or will do with new products being
developed.  Just the kind of stuff many new graduates of library schools (or
their replacements like SIMS at Berkeley) seem to be specializing in...

- Kevin

Kevin Broun
Senior Web Developer
National Cancer Institute
kbroun at

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