[Web4lib] Wikipedia vs Britannica

Roy Tennant roy.tennant at ucop.edu
Thu Dec 15 13:46:15 EST 2005

At the risk of dragging out the Discussion That Will Never End yet  
further, I feel I must respond to the comment that perhaps Nature  
wants us to broadcast the full-text of their articles to whatever  
mailing list we choose. Their policy at <http://www.nature.com/common/ 
legal_notice.html> states

"Unless you have Macmillan's prior written permission, you are not  
permitted to copy, broadcast, make available to the public, download,  
store (in any medium), transmit, show or play in public, adapt or  
change in any way the material (or any part of it) contained on this  
Web Site for any purpose whatsoever."

Seems pretty clear to me. But then I'm a capitalist pig apologist.

In the end, it is the policy of this discussion that list members  
will not knowingly and willingly violate the law using this  
discussion list as their means. Period. Adhere to it, get off, or be  
thrown off.

On Dec 15, 2005, at 10:19 AM, Chuck0 wrote:

> Drew, Bill wrote:
>> Being for open sharing of information does not mean opposition to
>> copyright.  Just because you disagree just not necessarily mean it is
>> right and prudent to support posting of an entire article here.  Such
>> posting is clearly not fair use.
> Again, that is your opinion. But why do you feel compelled to  
> defend the copyright of an organization you don't work for? Is  
> Nature paying you to enforce their copyright? Did it ever occurr to  
> you that perhaps Nature wants people to share articles on lists?
> Stop being such a legalist literalist!
> Are you another barrier to information like most librarians are  
> these days?
> Chuck
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