[Web4lib] Podcasting

K.G. Schneider kgs at bluehighways.com
Thu Aug 11 11:45:53 EDT 2005

> You know how many museums offer audio devices with recorded information
> about the exhibits? You listen as you stroll the galleries. I heard
> somewhere (probably NPR) that some people are making rival podcasts with
> their own interpretations. So if you don't like the official party line
> on,
> say, the Van Gogh exhibit, compose your own.
>  I could imagine larger libraries offering a podcast version of a tour of
> the premises. It probably won't knock Gwen Stefani off the charts, but
> it's
> a thought.

Hey, how do you know it wouldn't? ;-) 

When our feed supports media enclosures, I plan to podcast the introduction
to LII New This Week. I already write a summary, so it's a no-brainer to hit
the record button on Audacity, and it not only adds a new/different mode of
access, but audio-based access is supportive of blind/visually challenged
readers who can listen to the summary to see if they want to read more of
the newsletter. That last point comes from our accessibility review we had
conducted in preparation for our new site roll-out. They didn't say
"podcast," but they might as well have.

Karen G. Schneider
kgs at lii.org/ http://lii.org

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