styleguides redux and printing question

Karen Davis kdavis at
Fri Apr 15 10:13:16 EDT 2005

Thanks to all who responsed to my question about how to most efficiently produce a styleguide. I found them all *very* helpful and printed for my future reference! My approach will no doubt borrow from all the docs posted.

another question:
The design I was provided for our new site doesn't produce printable web pages because it was done in tables :-( 

I'm wondering how best to proceed to produce printable pages: 

* redo the design in css? (time-consuming) 

* create a separate set of printable pages? (also time-comsuming) 

Is there any other option I don't yet know about?

Many TIA for your advice.

Karen Davis, Coordinator
Center for Community Networking & 
Web Administrator
Lawrence Public Library
707 Vermont Street
Lawrence, KS 66044
785.843.3833 ext. 104


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