how to get it all done

Karen Davis kdavis at
Thu Apr 21 15:57:50 EDT 2005

Thanks for all the good info! I think I'm getting the picture. See below- 

Lisa wrote:
>Not sure what they mean by security issues? >Security in terms of not wanting 
>people to edit directly on the site? 

Yes, however I explained the way Contribute works with Write/Publish permissions, so that really shouldn't be a problem, correct? 

>Security with them logging into the 

Yes, they say that ftp can't be made secure, no matter what you do. Hmm, you're using it... have you had any problems with hacks related to Contribute? 

>Extraneous/bad code added? 
Well, they talked vaguely about people being able to "muck up" the pages. 

>-Dreamweaver Templates: 
Yes, I depend on Templates pretty much totally. 

I have used SSI's, but now rely mostly on library items.   
Question: In your opinion, what advantages do ssi's have over DW Library Items? 

Yes, I use CSS exclusively, so that isn't a problem. I guess you're helping me think through what IS the problem: that I'm the only one doing conatent maintenance and development! I'm gonna ask for Contribute again. I don't think it makes sense for me to be doing every blessed keystroke. 

What's worse, Contribute had been purchased and was in house. But then IT objected "for security reasons" and suggested that pages could be "Edited in Word" from the Internet Explorer browser. I've looked into that enough to know that that is a terible suggestion. 

>Additionally, getting some extensions for Dreamweaver, all free, allows you 
>to use a GUI interface to have dreamweaver do some simple dynamic pages. 

Could you please suggest which DW extensions which you consider particularly useful? 

>Although, you do need to understand how to setup the database, and some SQL 
>is helpful as well. 

That was my original db question earlier this morning. So I have to settle on a db software first, right? Would PHP be the easiest for me? 


Karen Davis, Coordinator
Center for Community Networking & 
Web Administrator
Lawrence Public Library
707 Vermont Street
Lawrence, KS 66044
785.843.3833 ext. 104


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