[WEB4LIB] Browser birthday of note

Marc Truitt mtruitt at uh.edu
Thu Oct 14 12:20:43 EDT 2004

Thomas Dowling wrote [in part] :
> (Then they started yapping about the browser becoming the desktop, and 
> how Java would make the desktop OS irrelevant, and generally doing 
> everything they could to make themselves a target for You Know Who.)

... and the rest, as they say, is history... [sigh].

- m (still quite crazy -- and using mozilla -- after all these years) t

Marc Truitt
Assistant Dean for Systems                      Voice  : 713-743-8979
University of Houston Libraries                 e-mail : mtruitt at uh.edu
114 University Libraries                        cell   : 713-443-6421
Houston, TX 77204-2000                          fax    : 713-743-9811

"I think that maybe I'm dreamin'..."
                                -- Eric Burdon

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