Amazon's Plogs

K. G. Schneider kgs at
Thu Jun 3 17:19:10 EDT 2004

Did anyone else open Amazon today to find they had a "Plog?" "Your Plog is a diary of events that will enhance your shopping
experience, helping you discover products that have just been released,
track changes to your orders, and many other things. Just like a blog, your
Plog is sorted in reverse chronological order. When we think we have
something interesting or important to tell you, we'll post it to your Plog."

My plog entries for today were rather monotonous, as I had just ordered the
same three books each for six staff, and Amazon apparently thinks (not so
far from the mark) that I might have difficulty remembering something I did
yesterday, and faithfully recreated this purchasing history, six times over.
It did make me wonder what the page would look like if I had ordered 100
books each for 600 staff, or if a user's Plog will unbeknownst to them show
up on a public screen in, oh, say, a library. 

They include a page explaining blogging, and listing about a dozen
blogs--might be nice to see a library blog on that list.

Karen G. Schneider
kgs at

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