[WEB4LIB] Librarian on TNT

Houghton, Sarah SHoughton at co.marin.ca.us
Mon Dec 6 16:17:03 EST 2004

I have an extensive review on my website: http://librarianinblack.typepad.com/librarianinblack/2004/12/review_of_ithe_.html  
I liked the RSS mention--I do think they probably had a consultant, but my major complaint about the movie is that "The Librarian" wasn't even a librarian--he was an overeducated chap with two dozen degrees--and not one of them an MLS.
Sarah Houghton

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Jennifer Heise [mailto:jahb at lehigh.edu] 
	Sent: Mon 12/6/2004 11:13 AM 
	To: Multiple recipients of list 
	Subject: [WEB4LIB] Librarian on TNT

	Ok, did anyone else see _The Librarian_ last night on TNT? When they
	were interviewing and he finished his list of qualifications with 'and I
	can set up an RSS feed' I darn near fell out of the chair laughing.
	I'm pretty sure they had a real librarian as a consultant on this one. :)
	/   Jennifer Heise, Helpdesk/Librarian, Email: jahb at lehigh.edu
	\ \ Lehigh Library & Technology Services, Phone: (610) 758-3072
	   / Fairchild-Martindale Library, 8A Packer Ave, Bethlehem PA 18015
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