Library lingo (Find Articles)

Chris Jorgensen cjorgensen at
Thu Aug 12 13:28:02 EDT 2004

Hi Michelle,

[Michelle wrote: "Does anybody notice any confusion between "Find Articles"
(representing Databases) and getting a full text article out of an online
journal. Specifically are patrons going to the "Find Articles" link to look
for a specific article in a full text journal?"]

That's why we have the options under Find Articles of "on a certain subject"
or "in a certain journal/magazine." In our usability tests, this seemed to
alleviate the confusion for users. We keep this distinction on our Find
Articles subpage, too:

Like I said, it seemed to make sense to people in our usability tests, but I
can let you know how it goes after users use it "for real" this semester.


Chris Jorgensen
Reference/Web Services Librarian
Reinert/Alumni Memorial Library
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
voice: 402.280.1757
fax: 402.280.2435
email: cjorgensen at

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