2005 NFAIS Annual Conference, Feb 27-March 1, 2005: "Whose Mind is it anyway?"

Dan Robinson drobinson at hwwilson.com
Tue Aug 10 13:37:23 EDT 2004

The 2005 NFAIS Annual Conference, "Whose Mind is it Anyway?  Identifying and Meeting Diverse User Needs in the Ongoing Battle for Mindshare," is scheduled for February 27 - March 1, 2005 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Philadelphia, PA.
If you are an information provider seeking to expand mindshare within a given user group or across user groups, or an information professional seeking to more effectively meet the needs of your clientele, this is one conference you will not want to miss!  Building upon the theme of the highly successful 2004 NFAIS conference, the three day meeting will examine the differences and commonalities in the search and retrieval requirements of information professionals/librarians and desktop searchers.  It will not only look at how those diverse requirements impact the use, perception and purchase of traditional information products and services across market sectors and subject disciplines, but also how traditional information providers - publishers, libraries, database producers and technology companies -  can fulfill the needs and expectations of the expanding universe of desktop searchers through a more seamless integration into the user's daily workflow process.

The program is being finalized, and a press release describing the conference, along with registration, hotel, and local information can be accessed here: <http://www.nfais.org/press/2005_ANCO_theme_announce.htm>

Keep informed by visiting the NFAIS Web Site <http://www.nfais.org> for new developments with regard to the 2005 Annual Conference or contact Jill O'Neill, NFAIS Director of Communication and Planning, at jilloneill at nfais.org or (215)-893-1561.


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