Library websites and WAI guidelines

Drew, Bill drewwe at MORRISVILLE.EDU
Mon Aug 2 11:32:58 EDT 2004

I have gotten our library website to comply with W3C WAI Level 1 and 2
accessibility guidelines. How are other proceeding on getting their pages to
comply with Level 3?  It includes such things as using tabindex:

9.4 Create a logical tab order through links, form controls, and objects.

    * Rule: 9.4.1 - All Anchor, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, OBJECT, SELECT and
TEXTAREA elements are required to use the 'tabindex' attribute.

This rule does not make logical sense when you are displaying a page of
links with no priority in them.

The other area concerns using 'accesskey'.  What about pages with large
numbers of links on them?

9.5 Provide keyboard shortcuts to important links (including those in
client-side image maps), form controls, and groups of form controls.

    * Rule: 9.5.1 - All Anchor, AREA, BUTTON, INPUT, LABEL, LEGEND, and
TEXTAREA elements are required to use the 'accesskey' attribute.

Any suggestions?

Wilfred (Bill) Drew
Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference
Morrisville State College Library
E-mail: mailto:drewwe at
AOL Instant Messenger:BillDrew4
Wireless Librarian:

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