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Barkovich, Greg Greg.Barkovich at
Tue Aug 24 12:38:22 EDT 2004

We have some opac and database dedicated terminals that we don't want
the public to use for general web browsing. We are using public web
browser to shut down address bar, etc. but both types of terminals also
require the use of adobe acrobat. The new version of acrobat comes with
an advertisement button that is a link to the adobe site (top right).
Our youngest patrons quickly figured out how to use this as a hole to
the greater web.
Does anyone have any idea how to shut this down?
Greg Barkovich, Librarian
Burnaby Public Library
6100 Willingdon Ave.
Burnaby, BC V5H 4N5
604-436-5425 phone
604-436-9087 fax <> 
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