home page content

Peter Murray Peter.Murray at uconn.edu
Sat Aug 14 23:08:55 EDT 2004

Ginther, Craig wrote:

>We're starting to look at a website redesign, and I'd like to draw on the
>expertise of this group as a first step.  Are there certain types of
>information that you feel must be displayed on the 'home' page? 
I would humbly suggest that you need to ask your users to get the answer 
to that question.  What do your users think is the most important 
information to display on your home page?  Having been through two 
series of usability testing exercises for two sites, I'm amazed at the 
difference in the needs of each of the users.  It seems to depend on the 
characteristics of your library system along with the needs and 
expectations of your users.

(I'm sure others with more experience in usability testing may chime in, 
but it also seems like you need to keep retesting because the needs and 
expectations -- if not the characteristics of your system -- change over 


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