[WEB4LIB] "dust and shooing in library"

Nancy Sosna Bohm plum at ulink.net
Tue Jan 28 12:24:42 EST 2003

It's "shushing" and not "shooshing" anyway.

on 1/28/03 10:26 AM, Drew, Bill at drewwe at MORRISVILLE.EDU wrote:

> I sent the following note to the editors of InsidePCMag.  I do not know if I
> will get any reply.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Drew, Bill 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 11:03 AM
> To: 'enewsletters at ziffdavis.com'
> Subject: InsidePCMag_comNewsletter
> I subscribe to several of your newsletters and took a slight offense to the
> following quote referring to libraries:
> "New: PCMag.com's New Research Library
> That's right, thanks to our new partner, bitpipe, we've got all the
> whitepapers and research material, without any of the dust or shooshing you
> usually get in your local library. You'll find everything from reports and
> whitepapers on the B2B marketplace, 802.11, Windows, Linux and much, much
> more. Check it out. Click here for more"
> Do you use libraries?  Have you looked at how high tech most libraries are
> now?  I would suggest a visit to your local public or college library.
> Wilfred (Bill) Drew
> Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference
> SUNY Morrisville College Library
> E-mail: mailto:drewwe at morrisville.edu
> AOL Instant Messenger:BillDrew4
> BillDrew.Net: http://billdrew.net/
> Wireless Librarian: http://people.morrisville.edu/~drewwe/wireless/
> Library: http://library.morrisville.edu/
> SUNYConnect: http://www.sunyconnect.suny.edu/
> "They are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the desk, all
> quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution,man. I wouldn't
> mess with them."  -- Michael Moore talking about librarians(Buzzflash,March
> 2002).

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