[WEB4LIB] Standard format for such things as Telephone Numbers?

Shirl Kennedy shirl.kennedy at owen.vanderbilt.edu
Tue Jan 21 17:48:56 EST 2003

Not sure about phone numbers, but for addresses:

Frank's Compulsive Guide to Postal Addresses

"This document tries to describe -- or invent when necessary --
conventions for addressing postal mail from within the USA to other
countries that are both (a) effective (i.e., have a good chance of
working), and (b) as inoffensive as possible when addressing choices
might be controversial."

Shirl Kennedy
Electronic Resources Librarian
Walker Management Library
Owen Graduate School of Management
Vanderbilt University
shirl.kennedy at owen.vanderbilt.edu 
Walker Web Watch (http://mba.vanderbilt.edu/walker/weblog/weblog.htm)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul (BRI) [mailto:phishmeh at briconsultingroup.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 4:44 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: [WEB4LIB] Standard format for such things as 
> Telephone Numbers?
> I was looking for standards on the format for such things as 
> telephone numbers. We are beginning data entry in a database 
> system and have quickly realized that things such as 
> telephone numbers are in many formats - we also have 
> international numbers to deal with. Just curious what others 
> have done in this area. Thank you, Paul

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