Suggestions needed

Michael Sauers msauers at
Mon Sep 16 18:42:33 EDT 2002

I'm supposed to spend 'a few minutes' at the end of a two-day session on the
Internet on the Libraries and the future. Here's the starting point I was

"What I was thinking was just taking a few minutes to answer these
questions.  What will libraries be using in computers in 2 years, 4 years, 6
years?  How will hardware change?  What about wireless?  How do they plan?
What can they expect?  and drive home the fact that libraries are never
finished planning."

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Basically, I've no idea where to

Michael Sauers, Librarian, Trainer & Author
Bibliographical Center for Research (BCR)
Aurora, CO :: 303-751-6277 x124 :: msauers at
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