medLib-medical libraries on the Internet

vinod vinodscaria at
Mon Sep 23 14:58:40 EDT 2002

Thank you very much for the links.
I will add the links shortly.
I have a few more links, and I really intended to add a separate page for
similar Medical Library indexes.[which would be added shortly]
Well, I think the listservs' name is MEDLIB-L(as indexed in my
website)[please correct me if I am wrong !]
while the name of mine is Medlib-Medical Libraries on the Internet as I had
included in the logo and title of each page.

Thank you very much
Best Regards
Vinod Scaria

Vinod Scaria
Medical Student @ Calicut Medical College
Contact e-mail: vinodscaria at
Address: Vinod Scaria,42nd batch, MH4, Calicut Medical College,Calicut,
Kerala, India
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