[WEB4LIB] Content Management Systems

Cristina Barnette cristina at DAYTON.LIB.OH.US
Wed Oct 16 15:20:19 EDT 2002

Dear Fellow Web4Libbers,

Can anyone out there recommend a Cold Fusion-based Content Management System
to help manage web site content and ease web page development? The Dayton
and Montgomery County Public Library is considering setting up a system and
would like to hear what the community thinks of the various systems out
there before committing time, money and energy to a specific system.

What features do you like?
What features do you find restrictive and why?
Are there any serious flaws that you've had to work around?

Thanks! We appreciate any recommendations you can make.

Cristina Barnette
Integrated Systems Specialist
Dayton and Montgomery County Public Library
215 East Third Street
Dayton, Ohio 45402
937-227-9500 x. 237
cristina at dayton.lib.oh.us

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