Importing bookmarks/address books/files from NS 4.7x to NS 6.x/7

Sue Kamm suekamm at
Tue Oct 22 18:22:10 EDT 2002

Can someone help me update my browser?  I've downloaded later versions of
Netscape but I don't want to rebuild my bookmarks, addresses, and web files.  


Your friendly CyberGoddess and ALA Councilor-at-large,
Sue Kamm
Truest of the Blue, Los Angeles Dodgers Think Blue Week 2000
Visit my home page:
email:  suekamm at
When you absolutely, positively HAVE to know, ASK A LIBRARIAN!

Your friendly CyberGoddess and ALA Councilor-at-large,
Sue Kamm
Truest of the Blue, Los Angeles Dodgers Think Blue Week 2000
Visit my home page:
email:  suekamm at
When you absolutely, positively HAVE to know, ASK A LIBRARIAN!

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