would you call this a webmaster, or...?

Kelli nomextra at directvinternet.com
Wed Nov 27 18:24:07 EST 2002

Hello all,

I'm faced with the daunting task of composing my own job description (after 15 months in the position). I've searched the archive, and nothing seemed to fit.

In this process as well, I'm going to propose a change of my position title (I do not feel it accurately represents my duties) and if I could provide some salary comparisons, I'm likely to receive a pay increase.

[please reply to my home email nomextra at directvinternet.com or fax to (708) 757-9489]

My full-time (public library) position was 2 jobs in 1 (part-time) of "webmaster" as my director sees it.  In theory, I was supposed to also work (part-time) in cataloging as well.   As time went on, "webmaster" seemed to encompass many many many tasks, and I've assumed some Adult Services duties in lieu of cataloging.

[I should probably mention, we use an independent network consultant for our major hardware issues, or problems beyond our expertise]

I would appreciate feedback from anyone with similar duties, or examples of job descriptions at your (library) workplace and salaries comparisons relevant to webmaster, web designer, IT, network admin, and system administrator.

duties:  website design, maintenance, upkeep, troubleshooting & statistics. (no support staff, just me) 
troubleshooting: webserver, online catalog, LAN, email, internet connection,
promotion & publicity of website,
care & feeding of the network of approx. 45 workstations (network users/groups, virus protection updates, backup of files to server, backup of server, regular virus scans of staff & public computers, routine maintenance, software updates, security patches, etc.)
troubleshooting public computers (internet, catalog, word proc., online reference sources)
Liason to vend-print/photo ID company.  Troubleshooting printing problems. Troubleshooting Photo ID problems, design of library cards.
Creation & distribution of e-newsletter.  Train staff in software & hardware.

In the next few months, I'll also have system admin. privileges (in addition to director & asst. director/reference head) on "horizon" and I'll be responsible for the migration from webPAC to iPAC on our website.

[And the writing is on the wall, when we offer computer catalog/internet classes for the public, I'll likely be quite involved in that too.]

Adult services duties: (1 of 2 in dept.) , all in-house publicity, some press releases, schedule meeting room, schedule art displays and co-planning programming.

[B.A. in Graphic Design, 12 yrs. library experience.]

Thanks for your help!


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