Internet2 and Public Libraries

Andrew Mutch amutch at
Wed May 22 15:58:14 EDT 2002

Our library cooperative's Technology Committee is exploring the potential use of
Internet2 applications and infrastructure. As  most of the committee members come
from public libraries, we are interested in hearing from other public libraries
that are exploring or using Internet2 applications and infrastructure. At the
least, we would like to hear about your experiences so far and what kind of
projects you are pursuing. Potentially, we might want to partner up with others
for demonstration projects. Of course, if you have worked with or are working
with Internet2-related projects in non-public libraries, I would be interested in
your experiences and guidance too!

Please send comments directly to me. I can summarize back to the list.

Thank you,

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI

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