SIRSI and Internet timing software

Peggy Shaffer pshaffer at
Fri Mar 8 13:40:00 EST 2002

Later this year our library system will go live with SIRSI.  There is a 
need in several of our member libraries for Internet timing 
software.   Because SIRSI does not have Internet timing as part of their 
software package, we need to go to a third party for this product.

Is anyone working with SIRSI and Internet timing software?  If so, how well 
does it work?  Did you have to pay SIRSI for custom software to make it work?

And as part of this, I understand that Cybrarian has been used by some 
SIRSI libraries.  How successful it Cybrarian?  What are its limitations?


Peggy Shaffer
Library Development Coordinator
Lakeshores Library System

-"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - 
Clarke's Third Law.

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