[WEB4LIB] RE: dreamweaver MX

D. Keith Higgs dkh2 at po.cwru.edu
Wed Jun 5 08:17:29 EDT 2002

Not only are you making more work for yourself but, many browsers are
moving toward requiring that level of well formed XHTML, HTML5, DML,
whatever-you're-going-to-call-it coding. 

The first thing that would happen is that the browser will take longer
to render your page without it than with it. It's just like not closing
a table or providing height & width attributes for an image.  If you
provide more information, the browser can render as it receives things
rather than waiting for the entire page to load.

Personally, I wish more editing tools coded at that level.

D. Keith Higgs <mailto:dkh2 at po.cwru.edu>
 Case Western Reserve University
  Webmaster - University Library
  Additional Information at http://www.cwru.edu/UL/

-----Original Message-----
From: web4lib at webjunction.org [mailto:web4lib at webjunction.org]
On Behalf Of Michael Sauers
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 04:37 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] RE: dreamweaver MX

> I can't seem to turn off the </p> tag.

Not an answer but a question. Why would you want to?

(Yes, it is optional but you can't go wrong by putting it in. Also, by
not putting it in you're causing yourself more work in the long run i.e.

Michael Sauers, Librarian, Trainer & Author
Author of The Collector's Guide to Dean Koontz
Aurora, CO :: msauers at webpan.com
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