[WEB4LIB] Netscape standalone

Michael Sauers msauers at bcr.org
Thu Jun 20 17:45:31 EDT 2002

> Are any of you still using Netscape's standalone version (I think it is
> version 4.05)?  If so, are there any reasons you wish you weren't?

As a Web designer, trainer, and librarian I'd suggest not using this. The
last version of a stand-alone Netscape WAS 4.08 but now 6.2 and Beta 7 can
be installed as browser only.

Netscape 4.08 is just under five years old. It does not support many web
technologies (i.e. CSS for one thing) and if you want your users to be able
to view the web even vaguely as intended PLEASE do not use something that

Michael Sauers, Librarian, Trainer & Author
Bibliographical Center for Research (BCR)
Aurora, CO :: 303-751-6277 :: msauers at bcr.org
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