[WEB4LIB] WebBoard upgrade

Euan Morton euan.morton at xrxgsn.com
Wed Jun 19 14:59:55 EDT 2002

I was wondering if anyone uses the Webboard conference system. It was from
O'Reilly software, but when they got out of software development last year
it went to Chatspace, which now seems to have changed into/become part of

We are running version 3 and were planning to move to version 4 last year,
this got delayed so that version 5 came out (and now 6 is promised in July).
Does anyone of any issues relating to upgrading from 3 - 5 versus 3-4-5 ?


Euan Morton, CIBER @ Xerox
Web Developer, Xerox Global Service Net
ICQ: 104325610 - http://home.rochester.rr.com/acode/
Astronomicon '02, Rochester's own SF convention, Nov 1-3, 2002

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I ran across a book recently which suggested that the
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how many librarians it contained. Possibly a slight
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Lucien the Librarian of the Library of Dream
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