[WEB4LIB] multiple internet access points

Chris Murphy chrism at thecommunitylibrary.org
Wed Jun 12 11:50:03 EDT 2002

I use Public Web Browser to do exactly what you wish to do. I often test different home page configurations on my PC by using my single install of PWB with multiple ini files.

You can run multiple browser sessions simultaneously, each referencing its own home page based on the ini file specified in the shortcut's command line.

Best regards,

Chris Murphy

Christopher Murphy
Information Systems Manager
The Community Library, Ketchum, Idaho
chrism at thecommunitylibrary.org

"Grohs, Kim" wrote:
> Hi,
> Using a current version of internet explorer, I want to place three
> different icons on the desktop representing three different home pages.  The
> problem is that they all point to the same version of IE and while they
> originally open to the correct home page, as soon as you move from that home
> page and then hit the home button, it takes you back to the "master" home
> page (the home page set for the first icon that was implemented).  Do I and
> can I load IE three times to reflect the unique properties of the three
> different icons?  Thanks for any help that can be offered on this.
> Kim
> Kim Grohs
> Systems Librarian
> Jane Bancroft Cook Library
> New College of Florida/USF-Sarasota Manatee
> 5700 N. Tamiami Trail
> Sarasota, FL  34343
> 941-359-4402
> fax: 941-359-4307
> kgrohs at sar.usf.edu

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