[WEB4LIB] RE: Advice on Linux

Andrew I. Mutch amutch at waterford.lib.mi.us
Tue Jun 4 12:12:27 EDT 2002


I would guess that a lot of those Gates sites are not, knowingly, using
their NT servers to host web sites. I could be wrong but unless IIS is
running by default on those boxes, they probably aren't a big part of the
equation. With NT 4, at least, you have to actively install the Option
Pack to get IIS up and running. That's probably not a step most Gates
recipients would take.

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI

> Did you make it a point to subtract out everyone who recieved the free
> donation of the server along with support if they agreed to run a
> preinstalled operating system. I mean it would be unfair to compare a
> zero hardware and software cost Gates Foundation Setup except to a
> zero hardware and software cost Linux Setup. Frankly, I'm surprised
> given all the NT Servers the Gates Foundation has given away that the
> numbers aren't way more skewed toward those servers. My guess is that
> there are a ton of libraries who just aren't comfortable getting out
> onto the net period.
> -- 
> Josh Kuperman                       
> josh at saratoga.lib.ny.us

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