[Web4Lib] RE: Floppy Disks

Kyle Harriss kharriss at d.umn.edu
Wed Jul 3 16:56:33 EDT 2002

Re: Floppy and Zip disks..

We are reworking our public PC setup, but
it looks like this.

1. We use DeepFreeze Pro to prevent any
   changes to the hard drive from persisting.

   (This will be paired with a software
    distribution package, like Prism Deploy,
    by Fall.  We haven't made a final decision
    on this piece of the puzzle.  Up until now
    we have used PCRdist, but I'm looking for
    something simpler.)

2. Other than the above, our PCs are completely
   open.  Patrons can use floppies and zip100 disks.
   They can download or upload.  The hard drive
   is not protected (except by DeepFreeze).

   If a PC gets messed up, we turn it off
   (using the power switch - no need to use
   the Windows ShutDown command), and turn it
   back on.

3. Software usage is not restricted beyond
   our decision to load certain programs and
   not others.  If a patron can load their own
   software without rebooting, it works.
   If a reboot is required, the changes they've
   made disappear.

We have 31 PCs managed this way at the moment,
and will add 10 more by Fall.  

(In our building we also have other computing 
 facilities, managed by the campus IT department.
 The 31 PCs described above are just the ones 
 we manage, located in the vicinity of our 
 Reference Desk.)

Kyle Harriss
UMD Library
10 University Drive
Duluth   MN  55812

voice: 218-726-6546
email: kharriss at d.umn.edu (work)

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