[WEB4LIB] launching executables within a browser

GRAY, PAUL PAUL.GRAY at tccd.net
Wed Jul 17 11:06:08 EDT 2002

Based on recommendations from the list we have been using Kixstart
(from the NT Resource Kit)
It allows you to write essentially batch files to mount cd's run exe's etc -
The files use the extension .kix  - so you just associate .kix with the kix executable -- and so far we havent found anything we couldnt make run.
Pleasantly it still worked fine after we moved to W2k

Paul H. Gray
Library Manager - LRC LAN & CLC
TCC Northeast Campus
Hurst, TX
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Info Galway Library [mailto:info at galwaylibrary.ie]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 8:47 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: [WEB4LIB] launching executables within a browser
> Hi,
> On our public internet access computers, we would like the 
> public to be able
> to launch specified executables using the Internet Explorer 
> 5x browser. Is
> there a utility or plug in that will allow us to do this and 
> that will not
> compromise security? We use policy editor to specify what 
> programs can be
> run on these computers so the public constructing their own webpage to
> launch undesirable programs should not be an issue, I hope.
> Alternatively, is there a utility that will allow us to 
> construct our own
> customisable desktop from which applications can be launched 
> and which is
> secure?
> I would appreciate any help.
> Regards
> John Fitzgibbon
> Galway Public Library
> Island House
> Cathedral Square
> Galway
> Ireland
> http://www.galwaylibrary.ie 
> Phone: 00 353 91 562471
> Fax: 00 353 91 565039 

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