[WEB4LIB] Trouble getting IRS forms

Tom Edelblute thomas at anaheim.lib.ca.us
Fri Jan 11 17:56:22 EST 2002

We also had problems, but different types of problems.  We have our the
proxy server settings on our profiles for x.x.x.x with an exceptions
list for certain databases.  This keeps the public from using the
computers as open Internet machines.  When we added ftp services to the
exceptions list, we disabled the intranet so those computers wanting to
access our local library catalog could not do so.  We had to move access
to the open Internet computers and those PCs are the only PCs that can
access tax forms from that site.

Tom Edelblute
Public Access Systems Coordinator
Anaheim Public Library   phone: (714) 765-1759
500 West Broadway        fax:   (714) 765-1730
Anaheim CA 92805         e-mail: thomas at anaheim.lib.ca.us

Dawn Kovacs wrote:
> Hello,
> We're having trouble getting IRS forms from the IRS Web site on
> certain PCs.  We can get to the IRS site fine, it's getting to the
> forms which are located at http://ftp.fedworld.gov that we have
> trouble with.  On some PCs we have no trouble accessing the PDF
> forms, on others we get an error message that there is no DNS entry.
> Just typing in the URL for ftp.fedworld.gov returns the no DNS entry
> error, but on other PCs we get a full directory listing of the site.
> Our PCs are running Win95, Win98 and Win2000, along
> with Netscape 4.75 and MSIE 5.5.  If it works in Netscape it will
> work in MSIE on the same PC, but if it does work with one it won't
> work with the other .  Three of the computers having the problem are
> at our Reference Desk and they don't have any kind of  security
> software installed.  One of the Reference PCs works fine.  Our
> Computer Lab has 9 PCs running W2K, PWB, and Deep Freeze.  All were
> configured exactly the same.  We can get to an IRS form just fine on
> one, but the one next to it says "No DNS Entry."
> There doesn't seem to be any kind of consistency regarding OS or
> browser.  It either works or it doesn't.  Does anyone have any
> idea what might be causing this?
> Thanks for your help.
> Dawn Kovacs
> Wheaton Public Library
> Wheaton, Illinois

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