web content management

Ranti Junus junus at MAIL.LIB.MSU.EDU
Tue Jan 8 17:32:04 EST 2002

To All,

I wonder if any of you are using/considering using web content management 
software?  If yes, would you mind sharing your experiences here?

I've been thinking about this option for quite sometime but am not really 
sure whether I should just go ahead or wait or even abandon the idea.

I can see the benefits such as letting the "page creator" develop the
without changing the main look (template); any changes in content don't have

to be done by the web team -- the content developer would be full
for this, etc.

But I'd also like to hear any opinions such as price, technical and training

issues, or any other issues regarding to using web-content management

Thanks a lot.


Ranti Junus - Systems
100 Main Library
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48823


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