[WEB4LIB] Re: echnical question

Jacque King king at julip.ci.fort-collins.co.us
Tue Jan 15 19:06:12 EST 2002


Could it be a BIOS error?  

Jacque King
Library Technical Support Specialist
Fort Collins Public Library
201 Peterson Street
Fort Collins, CO  80524
(970) 221-6716
king at julip.fcgov.com

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Joyce M. Latham wrote:

> Ok, troops, here is one of those technical questions I need help with
> periodically:
> I am setting up a bunch of 486's for tear-down/re-build for a library
> school class.  The only problem is a persistence in loss of the A drive
> -- four out of the six do not recognize the A drive -- swap out a
> drives, swap out cables, get a seek error message when booting the
> machine; tried changing the setup to 720's -- no luck.  These are all
> the same machine, getting the same error, which leads me to believe it
> is a set-up issue in some way, other than just all the connectors on the
> mother board for the a drives has gone bad ...
> Any thoughts?
> Joyce
> -- 
> Joyce M. Latham
> GSLIS -- University of Illinois
>    "Strictly speaking, there are no enlightened people; there is
> only     enlightened activity."  Suzuki Roshi

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