[WEB4LIB] testing style sheets (css) and proper DTD

Kevin W. Bishop bishopk at rpi.edu
Fri Jan 4 11:54:12 EST 2002

Hey Bill,

You can validate your style sheets here:  http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/

The DTD you use will depend on which version (?) of HTML you want your 
markup to validate against.  For example, I use a DTD that declares my 
markup should conform to XHTML 1.0 Transitional, but your markup may 
conform more conveniently to HTML 4.01 (strict, transitional, frameset) or 
even HTML 3 ...

Perhaps this would be useful?  http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/dtd.html

In any case, it is my understanding that the DTD you use has less to do 
with "taking full advantage of CSS" than it does with ensuring that the 
browser uses the appropriate CSS rendering engine.  (Pardon me if my 
terminology isn't quite accurate.)

Good luck.

At 08:11 AM 1/4/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>I have two questions:
>1. Is there a website to test my css style sheet against?
>2. What is the DTD code that should be in my web pages to take full
>advantage of  CSS?  I had it once but lost it.
>Wilfred (Bill) Drew
>Associate Librarian, Systems and Reference
>SUNY Morrisville College Library
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>SUNY Morrisville College: America's Most Wired 2 Year College - 2001, 2000

Kevin W. Bishop
Communication & Collaboration Technologies
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
<bishopk at rpi.edu> | <http://www.rpi.edu/rpinfo/>

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