Cites & Insights Midwinter issue available

Walt_Crawford at Walt_Crawford at
Fri Jan 4 11:36:49 EST 2002

Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large 2:2 is now available:
A special Midwinter 2002 issue (16 pages)

* Bibs & Blather/New Year's Resolution
* RLG Diginews 5:6 and ARL Bimonthly Report 218: A Good Stuff Cluster
* Looking Back at the Future
* Ebooks and Etext
* Learned Publishing 15:1: A Good Stuff Cluster
* Product Watch...six items
* The Good Stuff (formerly Press Watch I)...five items
* Stereophile: Toys for [Rich] Boys
* Cheap Shots and Commentary (formerly Press Watch II)...two items.

It's at
as usual.

And for those of you who miss "PC Values," you'll find a one-page
special with the December and January descriptions. (It's not a stable
URL--I'll reuse the location next time I do a "PC Values extra"). Go
down past the reminder for the January issue and you'll find the link.

See (some of) you in the Big Easy!
-walt crawford-

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