A Reminder from The Virtual Acquisition List and News Desk

gprice gprice at gwu.edu
Fri Feb 8 12:39:59 EST 2002

Hello from D.C.

It's been awhile since I posted a weekly reminder note to the list about the
weblog (http://resourceshelf.blogspot.com). So, let's give it a go.

The weblog continues to grow in terms of both scope of coverage and visitors.
Thank you. As many of you know the blog is updated daily with a weekly
highlights newsletter, what I once sent to Web4Lib, is now being sent via an
opt-in e-mail list. Many people have told me that the mailing list is simply
used as a reminder to visit the blog. However, if you stop by several times a
week you will most likely always encounter some new material.

So I don't clog this list, here is an abridged version of current newsletter.

Please stop by the weblog for all of the content and links. You'll also find a
link to subscribe to the weekly e-mail update at the top of the site.

gary price

The Virtual Acquisition Shelf & News Desk Update Week 49
Weekly Highlights and Reminder (Full-Text on Weblog)

New and Useful Web Sites, Industry News, Full-Text Docs
of Interest to the Info Professional
Thursday, February 7, 2002
Natural Language Processing--Experimental Projects
Summarization Software
Source: Online Journalism Review
NewsBlaster from Columbia University
NewsBlaster is an experimental prototype that uses natural language processing
and other AI software to automatically generate text summaries. These
summaries are built from content gathered using 13 web-based news sources
including the Washington Post, CNN, Reuters, others. Officially, the site is
described as an, "automatic system for event tracking and summarization".

Image Search--Copyright Issues
"Search Engine's Display of Copyright Photos Ruled Infringement"

Wednesday, February 6, 2002
Research Libraries
Scholarly Communication
Source: SPARC
New Research Library Organization Announced: International Scholarly
Communications Alliance

Resources, Tools, and Full-Text Documents
Demographics--United States
Source: U.S. Census
New Full-Text Report: The United States in International Context
Summary/Fast Facts ||| Direct to Full-Text
Job Search--Canada--Directory
Source: Human Resources Development Canada/Jobboom Canada
Top 100 Internet Sites for Learning and Employment

Tuesday, February 5, 2002
Fast Facts
The World Almanac February Newsletter is Now Available
Info on February events, birthdays, holidays, and more. You'll also find a
January 2002 chronology.

Professional Reading Shelf
Information Industry--OCLC
Full-Text: OCLC Annual Report, 2000-2001
72 pages .pdf

Resources, Tools, and Full-Text Documents
Controlled Vocabularies
Source: National Library of Agriculture
Updated: NAL Agricultural Thesaurus

Monday, February 4, 2002
Education--United States--Statistics
Source: The Education Trust
Ed Watch Interactive State & National Education

Digital Collections (2 Items)
War Posters
Source: University of Minnesota
A Summons To Comradeship: World War I and World War II Posters
>From the site, "A new project, commencing in Fall of 2001. Approximately 100
posters from both World Wars are online. By October 2003, this database will
contain more than 6,000 images."
See Also: Read about the project in this Minneapolis Star-Tribune article.
Source: Canada's Digital Collections
Seven New Collections From Canada's Digital Collections Now Online

Saturday, February 2, 2002
Resources, Tools, and Full-Text Documents
Newsmakers--Interviews--Streaming Media
Access an Archive of Charlie Rose Show Interviews
The Charlie Rose Show airs nightly on public television here in the U.S. Rose
conducts interviews with newsmakers, business leaders, authors, educators,
politicians, and entertainers. This archive (audio only) provides streaming
coverage of interviews back to October 29, 2001.

Friday, February 1, 2002
Web Search--Google
Source: Searcher
"Google: (v.)..."
Barbara Quint discusses Google from a "parts of speech" angle.

Resources, Tools, and Full-Text Documents
Tobacco Control
New: Legacy Tobacco Documents Library

Thursday, January 31, 2002
Resource of the Week
Documents in the News--Primary Documents, Full-Text
Legal Documents
FindLaw's "Breaking Docs" Site and New Newsletter

Resources, Tools, and Full-Text Documents
Drug Abuse--United States--Statistics
Source: Office of National Drug Control Policy
"Economic Costs of Drug Abuse in the United States, 1992-1998"
The Virtual Acquisition Shelf & News Desk Update

Gary D. Price, MLIS
Gary Price Library Research and Internet Consulting
gprice at gwu.edu

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