[WEB4LIB] TEXTAREA rendering

Michael Sauers msauers at bcr.org
Fri Feb 15 11:29:45 EST 2002

> I would like to have one large TEXTAREA element for the "body" of the
> minutes, so that when you press Enter the equivalent of the BR element is
> inserted.

You need to add a wrap="" attribute to your textarea. There are several
values to choose from. Find them at

Sounds like you want:

wrap="hard" This adds hard return characters at the end of each line in the
text box. When "WRAP="Physical" doesn't work, try this one.

Sorry, no way in the markup to change and enter key into a line-break but
this gets you close without having to manipulate the processing script.

Michael Sauers, Internet Trainer
Bibliographical Center for Research (BCR)
Aurora, CO :: msauers at bcr.org :: http://www.bcr.org/~msauers/
WWW Library Directory @ http://www.webpan.com/msauers/libdir/
Opinions expressed are my own unless otherwise noted.
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