[WEB4LIB] RE: Access2002 vs. SQL .. which way do we go?

Karen Harker Karen.Harker at UTSouthwestern.edu
Fri Dec 6 10:20:33 EST 2002

Here, here!  Two years ago, when we released our Ejournals list (a
"lite" database of about 500 records at the time), we were using
Access2000 and while it worked beautifully during testing, when we
launched it to the public, Access crashed.  While we weren't certain, we
suspected the infamous "memory leak" so associated with Access2000, and
supposedly fixed by Access2002.  However, at the time, after two such
crashes, we quickly migrated to SQL Server (6.5 at the time) and have
had no similar problems to date.  
Now, I am not sure of the exact transactions/second (or minute), but
not long after the launch, we recorded over 14,000 in a month.  This is
heavy for us, and obviously too heavy for Access2000.  I've been talking
SQL Server up ever since.
Karen R. Harker, MLS
UT Southwestern Medical Library
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX  75390-9049

>>> Richard Wiggins <rich at richardwiggins.com> 12/5/02 10:52:45 PM >>>
What is your definition of "very high usage"?  To me, on today's Web,
could mean 1 million, 10 million, or 100 million transactions per

How do you quantify your usage as "very high"?  Your peak load is the
Transactions per minute (or per second) would be relevant here.  There
some very real technical (and business) reasons why Access can't
like MS-SQL or another transaction-oriented database when transaction
is high.


"Pinkham, Lida" wrote:

> Here at PLCMC we use MS Access for all of our web databases. As a
matter of
> fact much of the content we deliver on the web is in a database. We
> had any problems and some of these sites get very high useage.

Richard Wiggins
Writing, Speaking, and Consulting on Internet Topics
rich at richardwiggins.com       www.richardwiggins.com     

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