[WEB4LIB] Re: Web page color & accessibility

Ann Owens aowens at saclibrary.org
Tue Dec 3 18:07:22 EST 2002

Yes, but that only works for those pcs that have word processing
enabled.  In our system, most of the public Internet pcs do not allow
access to any word processors, not even WordPad.  I believe our patrons
can alter the page settings to force printing of text in black.  For an
application like the one originally proposed, I've found that some sites
use graphical elements for the reverse text, which are not affected by
the page settings.

Ann S. Owens
Electronic Resources Librarian
Sacramento Public Library
828 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916)264-2940    Fax: (916)264-2950
"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary
is that little extra."

> -----Original Message-----
> However, I want to mention 
> a little trick
> I show to students when they encounter "dark background", 
> fancy-shmancy (shamancy :-) animations or otherwise 
> "unprintable" pages, but they are really desperate and want 
> to print the text: Select the text you need > go to edit > 
> copy > open word processor > edit
> >paste special > paste unformatted text (unformatted to eliminate all 
> >the
> HTML codes, tables and images).
> The text often needs additional editing (removing extra lines 
> and spaces), but it works MOST of the time.  Of course, I 
> always remain students to copy/paste the author, title, 
> publisher, URL, etc. to have the proper data for citing.
> One more cent :-)
> Andy Mezynski
> mezynsab at lacitycollege.edu

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