requiring login to access computers

Stacy Voeller voeller at
Thu Aug 22 15:40:36 EDT 2002

Our state-wide university system is investigating requiring anyone
wishing to use computers on our campuses to login to gain access.  Their
reasoning is based on security issues, and they ultimately hope to
prevent any computer hackers from taking down computer networks.
Implications of this to freedom of speech and first ammendment issues
are swirling through my head as I write this, as well as the problems
this can create for non-university library users gaining access to

If any of you have gone to requiring logins, can you share with me the
process and the hurdles this has caused?  Why did you decide to make
this a requirement?  If you investigated doing this, and then chose not
to require logging in, what were the reasons for that?  Any information
would be appreciated.  Please email me directly, and if anyone is
interested, I can share the information I receive.  Thanks!

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