Oops (was Re: [WEB4LIB] Re: browser differences)

Rich Kulawiec rsk at magpage.com
Sat Aug 3 11:22:08 EDT 2002

I goofed by not including this.  FYI, here are four screenshots that might
help you out.  They were all taken on a Sun workstation running Solaris 8
with a 24-bit framebuffer.  Most of them actually look pretty good.  I left
Javascript turned on in Netscape (so that you could see where the scrolling
banner showed up).  Curiously, the graphic that says "Morrisville
College Library" and has a graphic of a book next to it doesn't show up
in some of the browsers.  (I haven't tracked down the exact cause.)
	http://www.magpage.com/~rsk/amaya6.1.gif  (Amaya 6.1)
	http://www.magpage.com/~rsk/opera5b1.gif  (Opera 5b1)
	http://www.magpage.com/~rsk/netscape6.gif (Netscape 6)
	http://www.magpage.com/~rsk/netscape4.79.gif  (Netscape 4.79)


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